MGKVP BCA Basic Information

BCA = Bachelor of Computer Applications 

Minimum elegibility : 10+2 with math.

Time = 03 years  ( 06 semester , 02 semester in each year )

Total Marks = 3600 ( 600 for each semester )

Each paper marks : 100 ( 75 external 25 internal)

Passing marks: 40 out of 100.

Total subject = 28 ( 5 subjects in I II III and IV semester, 4 subjects in V and VI )


I III V is called odd semester. Generally starts from July and the exam is conducted in December.

II IV VI is called even semester. Generally starts from January and the exam is conducted in June.


MGKVP's BCA course is a three-year degree program. Semester system is applicable in this i.e. exams will be held in six months. A year is divided into two semesters. There will be a total of five papers in the first, second, third and fourth semesters and four papers in the fifth and sixth semesters. Each paper is of 100 -100 marks, in which the university organizes a written examination at the end of the semester for 75 marks, which is called external exam and 25 marks for the subject teacher or management of the respective college from which you are studying. are given by what are called internal marks.

MGKVP का BCA कोर्स तीन साल का एक डिग्री प्रोग्राम है. इसमें सेमेस्टर SYSTEM लागू है अर्थात छह छह महीने में exam होंगे। एक वर्ष को दो सेमेस्टर में बाटा गया है. पहले दूसरे तीसरे और चौथे सेमेस्टर में कुल छह पेपर तथा पाँचवे और छठे सेमेस्टर में कुल पाँच पेपर होंगे।  हर पेपर 100 -100 नंबर का होता है जिसमे 75 नंबर के लिए university सेमेस्टर के अंत में एक लिखित परीक्षा का आयोजन कराती है जिसे external exam कहा जाता है तथा 25 नंबर  आप जिस संबधित कॉलेज से पढ़ रहे है वहां के सब्जेक्ट टीचर या मैनेजमेंट के द्वारा दिया जाता है जिसे internal marks कहा जाता है।